Strategic Drivers

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Cross-sector partnerships

  • Key sectors include farmers and producers, higher-education institutions, Tribal nations, entrepreneurs, investors (risk capital), industry, state government, and non-profits operating in the agriculture ecosystem of Wisconsin.

  • This broad coalition of cross-sector partners will co-innovate across social, ecological, and technological dimensions to ensure national competitiveness in agriculture, inclusive prosperity, and long-term human health and well-being.

Innovation to practice

  • Utilize and amplify the VH network to support the translation of resilient agriculture technologies

  • Foster innovation with locally-led workshops to gather input, develop shared goals and strategies, exchange knowledge, and facilitate partnerships across sectors

  • Emphasize ideas that are ready to be moved beyond the farm or lab prototype stage to validating their economic or social impact

Workforce development

  • Conduct assessments for emerging technologies and current agricultural practices to explore training opportunities for knowledge transfer and development

  • Develop new sustainable agriculture apprenticeships that reach underserved communities that do not own land

  • Increase awareness of modern farming approaches among youth through farm expos and demo days at UW experimental ag stations

  • Foster tech talent through experiential learning opportunities that expose STEM graduates to agricultural sector applications

  • Offer micro-credentialing programs for specific tech needs in the ag/food sectors

  • Support farms in developing succession plans and contingency strategies to ensure long-term sustainability

Inclusive engagement

  • Actively engage diverse communities in Forward Agriculture workgroups and activities.

  • Elevate innovations that utilize traditional practices.

  • Establish navigators in each region to connect practitioners with resources, working closely with Tribal Nations and UW Extension. Navigators will be culturally sensitive, reside in the regions they serve, and trained in communication, mental health awareness, and technical areas.

Strategic investment

  • Leverage matching funds by expanding the VH in additional communities and attracting new partners and investors with aligned missions.

  • Create an evergreen fund to support entrepreneurship training and early-stage startup investments.

  • Attract industry sponsorship by leveraging the VH and NSF Engine brands to fund events and programs, like hackathons.

  • Advocate for a business environment that prioritizes research and technology, reduces regulatory barriers, and invest in businesses that support sustainable practices.

 Use-inspired research & development

  • Identify sustainability bottlenecks with focus on underserved and underrepresented communities

  • Establish programs for high-impact research including workshops that ensure research projects have a clear path to practical application

  • Offer seed grants early in the innovation process for research that is novel and has relevant industry partnerships