The Forward agriculture engine is a project lead by WiSys, an independent, nonprofit supporting organization for the Universities of Wisconsin.
Arjun Sanga (PI)
President of WiSys (temporary Engine CEO, leadership board)
Adhira Sunkara (co PI)
WiSys Director of Strategy and Innovative Ventures (Engine COO, lead-entrepreneur-ship working group; leadership board)
Bradley Bolling (Co-PI)
Associate Professor, Dept. of Food Science, UW-Madison (lead, use-inspired research working group)
Stephanie Spehar (Co-PI)
Professor of Anthropology and Director, Sustainability Institute, UW Oshkosh (lead, translation to practice working group)
Jessica Silvaggi
President of UWMRF (co-lead, use-inspired research; leadership board)
Doris Mold
Director of Rural Resiliency and Annie’s Project and small dairy farmer (co-lead, translation to practice working group)
Mary Blanchard
Associate Director of the Wisconsin Energy Institute (lead-policy considerations)
Michele Carter
Administrator, Division of Employment and Training Department, WI DWD (lead, work-force development working group)
Michael Tiboris
Agriculture and Water Policy Director at River Alliance of Wisconsin (co-lead-policy consid-erations)
Jennifer Gottwald
Director of Licensing at WARF (lead-inclusive partner engagement)
Carol Dahl
Vice-Chair, WiSys board (leadership board)
Tom Erickson
Founding Director, CDIS, UW–Madison (leadership board)
Erik Iverson
CEO of WARF (leadership board)
Lauren Langworthy
Director of Special Projects, Wisconsin Farmers Union (leadership board)
Jason Mugnaini
Exec. Director of Governmental Relations, WI Farm Bureau Federation and President, WI Ag Coalition (leadership board)
James Schmidt
Chancellor, UW-Eau Claire and member of the WiSys advisory board (leadership board)